Wednesday, November 14, 2007

They mean it when they say Time Out

My tattoo artist recommended this week's spot to me. He said I would love Time Out Lounge at the Northeast corner of Mill and Southern, in the very back of the plaza. He said he thought I'd like it because it is a quiet spot, and he seems to think being in school is stressing me out. Imagine that.

I pulled up and thought that the outside looked a little less than welcoming. I mean, it's all boarded up and you can't really tell anything about the place from the outside. It occurred to me that my artist can have a messed up sense of humor sometimes, and I thought maybe this was some not-so-funny joke.

However, I'm glad I walked in anyway. There are four pool tables in the center of the room, and a long bar to the right. The other side of the room in lined with booths. It's a single room, and not very big. There are old-school arcade games against the far wall. This place isn't just a friendly neighborhood bar; it's a quiet neighborhood bar. If there were 30 people in it, it would seem busy.

They don't sell food at Time Out Lounge, but they offer an interesting alternative. The bar tender offered me a menu list of places that deliver to the bar. Talk about feeling like I never left my living room!

I got a drink right away, and the bartender was friendly, but here's the best part: They have ACE Pear Cider. I am a nut for pear cider after doing some time in Texas, where it's very common. It really is quite tasty, and ACE is one of my favorite brands.

It's very dark in Time Out Lounge, and the atmosphere is relaxing. There is a jukebox, but no one seemed all that interested in it. The bartender said it's busy on the weekends, but as I said, it would seem busy with 30 people in it. I can see why my tattoo artist likes it, since he loves to sit somewhere quite and draw for hours on end.

Overall, I'd say it's a great place to brood about test scores, hide from homework, or take some time out. However, this is not a place to meet people. If you want to hang out with someone, I think you better bring them. The barflies all know each other and didn't seem interested in talking to the new kid. So, bring your own company if you want some. Otherwise, check it out for the peace and quiet. I know that's what I liked about it.

— Jenifer DeLemont

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